in , , , , , , , ,

TOP STORIES: Giovanni Bonamy, Erasmo Viana, Christopher Bunn, Patryk and Silvester Ruck

sylvain norget

erasmo viana

calvin brockington

krzysztof wyzynski

sean p watters

#1 – Room 406 Pt2 by Sylvain Norget
#2 – Erasmo Viana for New Captain Underwear
#3 – Christopher Bunn by Calvin Brockington
#4 – EXCLUSIVE: Patryk by Krzysztof Wyzynski
#5 – Silvester Ruck by Sean P. Watters

These five stories got the most of your page views in the previous week as well as the most responses over at our Facebook and Twitter accounts. To additionally calculate the top five we used Google Analytics. 

Click here for our previous top stories.

Written by admin

Daniel Kovacs by Anton Jhonsen

Andrej Pejic, Frederik Tolke, Nicola Wincenc & RJ King by Damon Baker