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Portrait of Matteo Greco for MMSCENE by Aaron Olzer

THE GREATEST magazine comes as a unique menswear story from Milan, founded by MATTEO GRECO in 2012 we had luck to see this magazine develop and grow into one of the most respected indie titles in the industry. For the latest edition of our MMSCENE Editor in Chief and Fashion Director of the magazine MATTEO GRECO sits down to talk with our own EIC ZARKO DAVINIC about the beginnings, cover choices and Italian fashion.

Scroll down for our interview with Matteo Greco:

Tell me about your background and where you grew up.
I was born and raised in Milan and ever since I was young, I wanted to be a journalist so I studied Literature and Philosophy in the university Cattolica of Milan.

What or who inspired you to go into fashion?
There were two persons who made me curious about fashion. The first, my grandmother was a mannequin and passionate about fashion. She had great influence on me. And the second, my
first director in a fashion magazine hired me after graduation and helped me move forward.

What does the word fashion mean to you?
Fashion is a collaboration of hard work and enjoyable moments. It is about meeting new people, seeing new places but all under the title of professionalism.


What was the process of founding The Greatest?
The first step was building a team. I reached to Luca di Santis, Francesco Brigida and Dario Salamone, we all had similar ideas which grounded my vision of the magazine.

What were the biggest challenges of starting the title?
The Greatest’s biggest challenge was the same of any independent magazine at its starting point; I had to struggle to gain the attention of the fashion brands. It was also challenging for me, to introduce clearly the Greatest ’s identity and vision of which kind of man I had in my mind.

The Greatest is one of Milan’s most stylish success menswear magazine stories. However, can you tell us the biggest drawbacks and benefits of being an independent magazine?
First, thank you for considering The Greatest one of Milan’s most stylish success magazine. The main benefit of being independent is the freedom I have in everything, choosing the topics,
the stories, and the team. However, freedom has a price which is the lack of great financial support.

Sacha Celaya at 16MEN, is shot by Anna Victoria Best and styled by Gary David Moore, and grooming by Andrew Wang using ORIBE for the GREATEST #10 – The Awakening Issue

Tell me about some of your highlights since the launch of The Greatest.
I have two grand moments that just crossed my mind. The first is working with the dancer Roberto Bolle in the issue #8. The second is when I received a photo that THE GREATEST is now
sold in Sydney. At that moment I was proud to know that my magazine was reaching to persons from the other half of the world.

You’ve had some stellar cover stars, some of literally ‘the greatest’ male models in the industry. What was your favourite cover?
Each cover means immensely to me. Each represents a period of the GREATEST’s path and so my life. My favorite is with Janis Ancens in issue #6, shot by Alessandro Dal Buoni.

What are your views on Italian fashion and how does the fashion scene in Milan measure up on the international playing field?
Italian fashion remains one of the pioneers in the international fashion industry. Milan Fashion week includes important Italian brands like Prada, Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, MSGM and Neil
Barrett. However, it is not as easy to introduce new designers as in London or Paris.


Mrs. Silvia Venturini Fendi interviewed by Paolo Mar and shot byAlessandro Furchino Capria for The Awakening Issue #10

The Greatest’s tagline speaks of a new era of menswear. How do you envision this era and what part does The Greatest play in changing it?
The macho man era has passed definitely. The trend nowadays is in androgynous fashion. THE GREATEST projects this trend creating the perfect combination of masculinity and femininity in
its man. In menswear now, a suit is not the only reflection of elegance. A man’s elegance is portrayed in his pose and attitude, elements we take into consideration in THE GREATEST.

What does the future hold for you and for The Greatest
THE GREATEST is constantly moving forward. Especially after the 10th anniversary, I am preparing a significant issue for THE GREATEST #11. Stay tuned!

Keep up with THE GREATEST at and @thegreatestmagazine

Interview originally published in MMSCENE Magazine Issue 12


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