Manchester City‘s player Raheem Sterling takes the cover story of British GQ Magazine‘s August 2019 edition captured by fashion photography duo Hunter & Gatti. In charge of styling was Michael Fisherm with creative direction from Paul Solomon, and production by Jes Levy. Grooming is work of beauty artist Johnny Caruso.
“The first time I ever got abuse was in Liverpool. I had just been bought from QPR. Someone called my name – my full name – so I thought, “Oh, they probably know me.” At this point people were starting to recognise me a bit. He says, “Can I speak to you for a second?” I said, “Yeah, no problem.” So I walk across the road and then he says the n-word and he head-butts me. And I was scratching my head thinking, “Did he just do this?” And then I took care of the rest.” – Sterling for GQ UK, on first time he was aware of racism.

British GQ Magazine – www.gq-magazine.co.uk
Directed by Hunter & Gatti – www.hunterandgatti.com
Creative Direction: Paul Solomon
Stylist: Michael Fisher
Groomer: Johnny Caruso
Producer: Jes Levy
Images courtesy of © Hunter & Gatti