
Complete Guide to Pre and Post-Operative Hair Transplant Care

Hair transplant care complete guide to pre- and post-operative days investigated by MMSCENE Magazine editors – read on:

Hair transplant care

Hair transplant care post and pre operative hair transplant is as important as the procedure itself. Getting a hair transplant is a massive decision, chances are this is something you’ve been considering for years as your hair thins. So once you commit to the procedure, you’ll of course want to make sure you’re getting the best results, and that involves careful care before and after the procedure. A perfectly done hair transplant can extend a career of a model for years if not a decade.

MMSCENE magazine editors talk to the hair care experts in the field and get the most important tips – here’s what you need to know:

Before the Procedure

Don’t shave your hair before the procedure – this helps the surgeon work more effectively. Leaving existing hair growth of certain shorter length provides the surgeon with a reference point for the direction and angle of natural hair growth. This leads to a more natural-looking result as they can integrate the transplanted hair seamlessly with the existing hair.

Avoid blood-thinning medications such as aspirin – aspirin inhibits platelet function, which is essential for blood clotting. For this reason, it increases the risk of bleeding, and during a hair transplant, precise control over bleeding is crucial to keep a clear surgical view which ensures successful graft implantation. Blood thinners will also increase bruising too, if you need these medications speak to your GP before the procedure and see if it’s safe to come off them while the op is being done. This is a rule to go with before any medical procedure involving a surgery.

Hair transplant care

Cut back on alcohol and smoking – this will support your body’s healing. Dr. Jayne Hill from Washington DC shares: “These substances can all impact your circulation and ability to heal and this will in turn affect your results. So give the cigarettes and alcohol a miss during your recovery. Quitting smoking an alcohol is good for your overall health and it also affects the overall quality of your skin and hair.

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Keep your scalp healthy – do this by gently cleaning and moisturizing it in the weeks running up to the surgery. A healthy scalp provides a better environment for a successful transplantation. Most surgeons will provide you with prescribed medication to use and apply in the post-op weeks.

After the Procedure

After the transplant, it’s crucial to take care of your new hair and healing scalp. This will improve your results and it’s important for your overall wellbeing too. While it’s a relatively ‘minor’ cosmetic procedure, you’ve still been through a surgical operation so take care of yourself.

Avoid touching your head – until the scabbing has healed, minimize the risk of infection and disturbance to the newly implanted hair follicles by avoiding touching them. Resist the urge to pick or poke at your scalp. Skip hats and helmets for at least a month too to avoid unnecessary pressure and friction on the newly transplanted hair.

Hair transplant care

Limit sun exposure – this will protect your sensitive scalp, intense sun exposure can lead to hyperpigmentation and scarring, particularly in the early stages of the healing process. Newly transplanted hair follicles are delicate and more vulnerable during the initial healing phase. Sun damage can be harsh on these fragile follicles, potentially affecting their growth and survival.

Skip strenuous exercise for at least two weeks – this is to prevent excessive sweating that could disrupt the healing process.

Follow the recommended hair washing routine – this will keep your scalp clean and promote healing, each care instruction is important for preventing infections and supporting proper healing.


Postoperative Medications and Costs

Finally, consider the need for postoperative medications carefully too. Find out what is included in your operation and what will be billed as extra. While some may be necessary, weigh the benefits against the costs- if you compare postoperative care costs in different locations, like France and Turkey you can make an informed decision and look into a hair transplant cost that fits in your budget. Turkey in particular is known for quality hair transplants with specialized doctors and reasonable prices, so considering potential cost savings and expertise to help you make the right choice.

However, before going into any procedure abroad make sure this is something you are ready for. Make sure you also have health insurance in place. Often more expensive procedure will mean better health care. Do your research and if possible look into 1st hand recommendation. Often travelling abroad for cheaper cosmetic surgery may involve various risks.

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