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Jaden Smith, Chris Evans & Paperboy Prince Cover V Magazine

V is for Vote: Discover V Magazine’s the Thought Leaders edition captured by Inez and Vinoodh

Jaden Smith
©V Magazine, Photography by Inez and Vinoodh

V Magazine enlists Jaden Smith, Chris Evans and Paperboy Prince to star in their Winter 2020 the Thought Leaders edition lensed by fashion photography duo Inez and Vinoodh. The issue is dedicated to social and cultural activism, and the importance of using your voice.

I’m voting because I haven’t been happy with the leadership. I don’t feel as though I’m being represented or that I’m being listened to, or that the black community is being represented or listened to at large. Things need to change, starting with how we treat the people of color in the nation and how we’re allowing these systems of racism to still exist and for us to still follow them. That’s the main thing that keeps me up at night. – Jaden Smith

Chris Evans
©V Magazine, Photography by Inez and Vinoodh

I think we are on the cusp of a really motivated, driven generation of young people who are very awake and connected. It is such a platitude, but they really are the future. It’s always the students, isn’t it? Whether it was the civil rights in the ‘60s or today, its’ always the young people [working toward change]. With every younger generations, they care and less about the archaic social norms that people before them are trying to preserve. Now more than ever, young people are involved in shaping the political and social landscape. It really is like a potter’s wheel and these young voices are molding our future. – Chris Evans

Paperboy Prince
©V Magazine, Photography by Inez and Vinoodh

I’m voting because we gotta spread love. We gotta represent our community. We gotta make sure our voices are heard, because most of the time a lot of us don’t actually get our and vote. With that and all the other work we’re doing in the streets, change is gonna happen. – Paperboy Prince

Discover all 12 covers of V127 on

Photography ©Inez and Vinoodh, Images Courtesy of ©V Magazine, read more about ‘V is for Vote‘ on

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