
WORKING OUT: 5 Best Ways To Keep Your Muscle Fit

It has been scientifically proven that the body undergoes some changes as you get older. Muscle is essentially a bundle of long fibres that are contained within connective tissue. It functions to produce movement and maintain posture when contracted.

There are two kinds of muscles- one that helps to engage in endurance activities and one that helps to perform powerful bursts of movement.

Read more after the jump:

1. Diet requirements

It is important not to forgo the body’s dietary needs. Eating at the age of 25 is a lot different than eating at the age of 35. Dietary needs change from time to time,and the body’s metabolism slows down with age. It is not prudent to eat fatty foods and foods rich in carbs and sodium as the body cannot process it as fast. This will result in unwanted fat accumulation and decrease the body’s ability to keep muscles fit.

The daily calorific and macronutrient requirements of the body also change with time. It is important to find a balance between one’s energy needs and energy expenditure. Drinking adequate water also aids in the psychological process of facilitating weight loss and enhancing the effects of your fitness regime. If your sole goal is to build lean muscle, it is important to eat right.

2. Prevent injuries

Muscles grow from birth until you hit the age of 30. After this, it is possible that they degenerate if you do not look after them. This results in a higher risk of injury and the body being less equipped to handle everyday physical demands.

Having rest-days in between exercising is important.As the body ages, it’s the ability to recover fully after an injury decreases and the recovery process slows. Proper form should be emphasised to prevent injuries.

If injuries do occur, pain killers and muscle relaxants can help to ease the damage. For example, the Intagesic MR tablet works by blocking the pain impulses from reaching the brain, therefore, easing the pain over time. The Intagesic tablet has a composition of Paracetamol that is known to ease inflammation.

3. Supplements: Protein

Supplements are a great way to get the required nutritional needs if the diet is falling short in providing these. However, no amount of supplements is going to mitigate the effects of a poor diet and a lack of exercise regime,but it can help the process of keeping one’s muscles fit.

Muscle growth supplements can aid the muscle-building process. Proteins are the building blocks of muscles. Supplements only deliver on the promises they make if this is coupled with a steady routine.

Protein powder in the form of Whey protein is a milk by-product that aids in fat loss, muscle recovery and increased muscle strength. It packs a lot of protein but has very few calories. Proteins are to be consumed right after finishing a workout. This is when the muscles are most receptive to it.

4. Exercise

Inactivity has become a modern day crisis. Exercise is the most important factor to keep in mind while wanting to keep muscles fit. If you stop exercising, you tend to put on weight and lose muscle mass. It could also lead to health deteriorating rapidly.

Maintaining a healthy exercise routine with a combination of cardio, weights and strengthening exercises will help to keep muscles fit in the long run. Cardio workouts should be indulged in at least thrice a week for about 30 minutes.

Weight training under the guidance of a gym instructor helps to define the muscles and keep them from sagging. Lifting heavy weights results in the tearing of muscle fibres. These tears result in inflammation and invoke the stem cells to fuse into the muscle fibres. The fibres then become stronger and bulkier.

5. Adapting according to the body’s requirements

By setting goals and working towards them, it prioritises keeping muscles fit. It helps to calculate know how much body fat you need to lose and work towards doing the same. Muscles are automatically accentuated.

Regular massages also help to mobilise muscles and help maintain flexibility. It is important to listen to what the body requires.

Exercise routines should be personalised for each person. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to taking care of the body.

Also Read: Benefits of complete body checkup

There are 657 muscles in the body. From the smallest to the strongest, it is important to maintain all of them and ensure that they are fit. Looking after the muscles is essential to the whole process of staying fit, healthy and active.

Statistics show that physically inactive individuals lose about 3 to 5% of their muscle mass every decade. This decline can be slowed with exercise and optimal diets. This can also delay the onset of osteoporosis or osteoarthritis.

Muscles also regenerate every 2 to 3 months. This shows that it is never too late to get into a routine and work towards keeping fit.

Images by Jon Malinowski for MMSCENE Magazine

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