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MMSCENE INTERVIEW With Model and Actor Justin McManus

Actor, model and photographer Justin McManus, posing for a shoot by Zie Otto, sits down for an exclusive MMSCENE Magazine interview to talk modelling, acting and guilty pleasures. Justin plays the troubled Omari on the current season of Star alongside Queen Latifah, but also took roles in Neftlix’s Seven Seconds and ABC’s Blue Bloods. When it comes to modelling Justin is represented by U Models in New York.

Read more after the jump:

Who is Justin McManus?
Justin Marcel McManus is an artist, a god fearing man, an inspiration to others, and will be a household name very soon.

How do you balance modelling, photography and acting?
Now that is a good question its not easy at all trust me. But I find time to dedicate to each as passionately as i can one at a time. So if I’m filming a movie or TV show all my time is dedicated to that nothing else. Then once the job is completed I look at my schedule and I begin to allocate time for photography as its my side passion and hustle and I love doing it when I’m not busy. Then I keep up with modeling as well usually in between photography and acting jobs as well. So I basically live at the gym when I can.

Many models look into transitioning into acting, is there any advice you could share with them?
I can tell them this, don’t just do it because everyone else is or because you want to be seen or famous. Acting is a craft and has to be taken with passion and love. If you don’t wake up every day and want to act, want to study acting, and don’t feel whole without partaking in some kind of studying the craft or doing it, then its not for you. You have to be obsessed with it, and once you have that nothing can stop you from becoming the actor/actress you were meant to be.

What is your downtime like?
That is rare [laughs], but really consists of lots of Netflix movies and time with my crazy dog Polo.

Any guilty pleasures? Something that no one knows about you?
Well most of my friends know that I am completely obsessed with scary movies. Like I may have a problem [laughs], I can wake up watch a scary movie, I can go to bed watching a scary movie. My favorite ones are the B grade ones with terrible acting, they make me happy.

Name three places that you want to travel to.
Anywhere in Greece, then I want to visit as many countries as I can in Asia as I have never been and feel like i’m missing out on half the world. Then I would love to simply travel to the farthest rain forest from home and backpack it and camp out and just be in nature for a few days.

What’s your beauty secret or essential grooming routine?
Well I never really had one until late , I guess being on TV made me more conscious of my skin. I am pretty simple though, try to wash my face in the morning with Molton Brown products LOVE them, I use their face scrubs and washes. I also use black soap in the shower as its better for you skin than regular soap. And I also try to use a moisturizer for my face daily and nightly.

Name the famous person you’d most like to meet?
HMMM I would have to say Drake, haha I just feel like we would be good friends for some reason like instant homies.

What do you enjoy the most in life?
I really love the freedom I have that I can wake up everyday and do the things that I love and be my own boss.

Ten years from now (you will be…)?
Wow 10 years?? Well I would hope married with kids as my parents are dying for both [laughs]. But I will still be doing what I love until the day I die.

Keep up with Justin on Instagram @justinmarcelmcmanus

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Evan Leff

MMSCENE STYLE STORIES: Evan Leff by Carl Lation