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Supermodel Tobias Sorensen talks about his Career, Fitness, Social Medias, Coronavirus Lockdown, and more


Editor IGOR CVORO sits down with supermodel TOBIAS SORENSEN to talk about his career, fitness, social medias, coronavirus self-isolation, and his future plans.


1. Hi Tobias, hope you are staying safe. How do you pass the time during the lockdown?

Hi. thanks a lot.

Yes, this is certainly some unprecedented times but I’m trying my best to stay vertical and healthy. Like many other people I’ve had to face a lot of changes lately, which i’m slowly trying to adapt to, and in all honesty it hasn’t been easy. I think most people will agree with me when I say that its not everyday that life as we know it, gets turned upside down in a matter of just a couple of weeks.

Most people went from working, traveling and socializing with friends, family and colleagues on a daily basis to suddenly not being able to leave their homes without having to wear protective gear.

Social distancing has become the new normal of our daily life and its definitely not easy to accept.

With that being said, I’m trying to make the best out of it by staying both productive and creative.

Lately I’ve been working on my transition from being purely a male model to building my profile as an investor & business person. I’ve started doing this initially as a startup investor, by getting involved with a couple of different businesses, and because of that I’ve managed to stay somewhat busy during the daytime.

With that being said, I’m trying to make the best out of it by staying both productive and creative.

Aside from working on a couple of different businesses that I’m currently involved in, I also try to work out and stay fit which can be very challenging without a gym (haha). I’ve also started to cook a lot more than I used too. I make sure I talk to my family on FaceTime almost everyday, I spend time with my dog, catch up on new tv shows and play online games with friends.

One project that I am really excited about is my recent purchase of a home in Denmark that I’m currently renovating, so luckily that has kept me both creative and occupied during this awful lockdown.

2. How were you discovered?

I was discovered while working in a clothing shop in Denmark. I was 18 or 19 at the time and was still in school studying. I remember my current agent came in to the store (I believe it was my very first week working there) to buy a new jacket. While assisting him with his new purchase he asked me if I had any interest in becoming a male model. As any other regular kid, I was taken by surprise by his interest in me, even more so because of my face scars, but nevertheless he left me his card and a few weeks later I was in Paris doing my first runway shows.


3. Was modeling something you always wanted to do, or did it just kinda happen? How did your career in Modeling take off?

Funny story, actually! when I was 14 or 15 years old, I was actually told that I couldn’t be a model. In fact I was turned down by pretty much every agency in my country. I certainly won’t say that modeling was ever a passion or dream of mine, but as many other young teenagers I still wanted to try my luck. I remember sending out an email with pictures to 10 different agencies whereas 9 of them rejected me while only 1 asked for “a sit down”.

Long story short. I met with the agency, and as much as they liked me they also made it very clear that my scars could be a disadvantage and unfortunately result in high editing costs. I think a week went by before I received an email saying something along the lines of: “We like ur look and ur personality but unfortunately we have decided not to sign u as we have difficulty finding a place for you in our portfolio“. Since then I never though of becoming a model again, hence my reaction when my agent scouted me.

4. How did you experience the first job you did as a model?

It was quite awkward actually. I didn’t really know how to act or “pose” on set. What was even more surreal was my first runway, actually. I remember booking a huge show during Paris fashion week, which I was beyond excited about. Unfortunately the excitement turned into a horrific fear about 30 minutes before I had to enter the catwalk. Luckily it all went smooth and in all honesty it may be one of my favorite show experiences to this date.

5. You have done a great deal of high profile jobs, from fragrance campaigns to underwear campaign and major magazine covers. What have been your greatest achievements in your modeling career thus far?

Luckily I’ve not only been blessed with a lot of great photo shoots but more importantly, I’ve been able to meet more incredibly people and travel to more beautiful destinations, that I could ever have dreamed of.

My greatest achievements would probably be my recent Davidoff fragrance campaign, as well as my Calvin Klein Eternity campaign. Those two shoots alone are more than most models in the industry are ever able to experience. Honored to have been apart of it. Not only did i get to work with some extremely talented people who I’ve always wanted to work with, but the location on the Davidoff shoot was absolutely surreal.

6. What’s your most memorable shoot?

My Davidoff Run wild fragrance campaign. We spent 6 days in Slovenia and Croatia. It was a tremendous production with somewhere between 100-200 people. Fashion photographer Lachlan Bailey was amazing to work for that shoot. Moreover, the whole experience as well as the incredible nature was absolutely surreal.


7. Imperfect is more beautiful than perfect. In recent years,The Fashion And Beauty Industries started to embrace the beauty of imperfections, but that hasn’t always been the case. Your scar gives you a unique look and made you stand out in the crowd. How did you get the scar on your face?

When i was 6 years old i was attached by a Bulldog. My family and i were camping in Sweden where we were planning to celebrate Midsummer. Unfortunately, the celebration came to an abrupt halt as i was nearly killed and rushed to the emergency room that same day.

I would definitely say that I’ve faced some challenges early on in my career, as most clients used to edit, or completely retouch my scars. But as time went by and the industry changed with it, my scars are now my trademark.

hmm.. Regarding whether or not i think my scars have been a disadvantage to my career i would say both ‘Yes and No’. I would definitely say that I’ve faced some challenges early on in my career, as most clients used to edit, or completely retouch my scars. But as time went by and the industry changed with it, my scars are now my trademark.

in all honesty scars and other Imperfections weren’t really in demand when i first started my career almost 15 years ago. Instead It was all about being picture perfect, with clean skin and no flaws. Luckily the industry has changed since then and today brands seems to be more accepting to all different types of models. In fact being ‘Just a pretty face’ almost doesn’t seem to be enough. Every client I’ve been working for lately wants something more, whether that’s a story to tell, high IG following or athletic skills, you name it.

8.Do you have any beauty routine you stick to daily?

I hate to admit it, but not really. I wash and moisturize my face before going to bed but that’s pretty much it.

9. What does a typical day in your week look like? What do you like to do when you have time off?

Hang out with friends, FaceTime with my family, Play with my dog, workout at Aarmy, read up on the news, manage my stock portfolio, and work on new business ideas.

10. 5 facts about you people may not know.

I make a mean scramble egg, and egg/banana pancakes

Im stubborn, but undeniably loyal

I have OCD

I’m an active investor and love trading stocks

Family is where my heart is

11. What kind of music are you into? Could you share what’s on your current playlist?

90s hiphop has been my jam ever since i was big enough to sit on a skateboard


12. Fitness plays an important role in the life of a male model. How do you stay fit during self-isolation?

Sometimes i ask myself that exact same question, and my conclusion is, that Its easier said than done, lol. I’ve been so fortunate to have a gym in my building for years now, which means, that I’ve never needed dumbbells or resistance bands in my apartment before.

All I’ve had for the past couple of weeks has been a 30lb dog food bag, and two 12 packs of La Croix sodas, which believe it or not can do wonders for your arms, lol. Needless to say, I’ve had some interesting workout sessions lately. On a different note i finally received my new resistance bands from Amazon yesterday so biceps 2021 here i come.

Exercising has always been a big passion of mine which is why, last year, I decided to invest in a new digital boutique gym studio called Aarmy. The AARMY training experience revolves around four customizable modalities: high-intensity cycling for endurance and cardio training; a range of boot camp classes for overall conditioning; team lifting circuit classes for strength training; and stretching programs for recovery.


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13. How important is nutrition when it comes to getting the perfect shape?

In general i try to eat healthy and pretty much most of my meals, consist of either chicken, salmon or eggs with steamed/cooked vegetables. As sides I’ll eat salad, avocado or other good carbs like brown rice, quinoa or sweet potatoes.

I’m a lover of good food, and have never been too religious about my diet. I always try to be healthy in my choice of food though, but like everyone else I’ll eat a burger w/ fries now and then.

Generally I try to avoid “heavy” carbs like pasta, bread, white rice and sweets like soda, milk chocolate, cake, cookies, ice cream etc, which can be hard sometimes.

Whether you’re building your body or your portfolio, it’s all about discipline, consistency and patience.

14. What about cheat days?

I have plenty of them. [laughs]

15. Aside from modelling social media also plays an important part in your career. As an influencer,what is your strategy in building your brand ? What message are you conveying to your viewers?

I’m very aware of the responsibility that comes with having such a large following. Having the means to be able to reach such a large audience (in the blink of an eye), means you can’t always give into spontaneous instincts — you have to make sure to set a good example. A big theme for my IG content has been telling my heartfelt story of rejection, especially early on in my career, I had to keep my head high and keep moving forward. I remember Barry Sternlich of Starwood Capital saying his favorite quote is “perseverance is genius in disguise.” That’s as true in finance as it is in fashion, and I couldn’t agree more with that statement.


16. Fashion and style are obviously a huge part of it. Describe your personal style. Where do you get your inspiration from?

My Personal style depends a lot on my mood. I tend to make my own lane when it comes to fashion so I like to think my inspiration comes from myself.

17. What advice do you have to people who are trying to gain a following on social media?

I was introduced to social media before there was any playbook for it, so with that being said I’ve honestly just always gone with the flow, and figured it out as I went along. My advice would be to be aware of what you post, and be yourself.

I’m very aware of the responsibility that comes with having such a large following. Having the means to be able to reach such a large audience (in the blink of an eye), means you can’t always give into spontaneous instincts — you have to make sure to set a good example.

18. Do you have any instagram accounts to motivate you?

No, I try not to focus on other instagram accounts, and be more present in the real world.

19. And finally, what are your plans for the future?

I’m passionate about fitness and financial health. I’ve always been working out, and always been fascinated by the stock market. Whether you’re building your body or your portfolio, it’s all about discipline, consistency and patience. I love working on projects within those industries and as I mentioned earlier, I’m currently involved with 2 new companies that I’m extremely passionate about – and which is a social investing app, both of which have missions I can really get behind.


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Keep up with Tobias Sorensen on Instagram – @thesorensen
Special thanks to Vanessa Castañeda at Elite Barcelona – @elite_barcelona

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