The renowned Italian fashion label Salvatore Ferragamo enlists two promising fresh faces for their Fall Winter 2014 campaign. Felix Hermans and Jason Anthony become the new stars of Ferragamo posing in the new advertisement masterfully shot by Mert and Marcus. Styling for the session is courtesy of Marie Chaix, hair styling handled by hair stylist Garren while the makeup is work of makeup artist Lucia Pieroni. For the Salvatore collection of designer Massimiliano Giornetti the campaign casting was actually in the hands of casting directors Barbara Nicoli and Leila Ananna.
In Milano Felix's career is under the care of I LOVE MODELS Management, while in New York he's with DNA Models, Premium Models in Paris, Elite Models in London and Copenhagen, and Izaio Management in Berlin. Jason Anthony who in Milano is with d'men at d'management Group is represented also by DNA Models sin New York, and Premium Models in Paris, nest model management in Berlin, and Boss Models in Cape Town.
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