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EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: Danny Schwarz by Joseph Sinclair for Client Magazine

Danny Schwarz

Danny Schwarz

Magazine: Client
Issue: #07
Editorial: One of Those Lazy Sunday Afternoons 
Photography by
Joseph Sinclair
Styling: Roy Fire & Tal Peei
Grooming: Andrew Sotomayor
Model: Danny Schwarz |VNY Models|
Top model Danny Schwarz is back with a sublime black and white series by photographer Joseph Sinclair captured for Client Magazine's 7th edition. 

Client #7 is now up for order and it ships Monday July 23rd. See more of this exclusive preview for MMScene is after the jump:

Danny Schwarz

Danny Schwarz

Danny Schwarz

Danny Schwarz

Danny Schwarz

Danny Schwarz

Danny Schwarz


Written by admin

Farell A. & Jean Louise by Ejja Pahlevi

André Hamann for Gabs