
The Biggest Challenges in Becoming a Male Model

Becoming a male model is not an easy task, MMSCENE editors round up the biggest challenges for you:

Male Model
Photo © Guillaume Malheiro for MMSCENE

Being a model might be the dream job of many men out there, but the sad truth is that only a few of them will actually get to fulfill their dream. Just like any other job in a creative industry, becoming a professional model is not an easy accomplishment. There are numerous hurdles that can come your way and we are going to discuss some of them right here.

Male Model
Photo © Guillaume Malheiro for MMSCENE

Lack of Confidence

Whenever you think about a model, be it a woman or a man, you automatically picture a perfect body and a beautiful face. The truth is that not all models out there are absolutely gorgeous. Of course, this industry has its standards, but things have changed for the better in recent years and the requirements are less rigid than they used to be.

There are different types of bodies and different strong points that can allow you to become a professional model. However, no matter how tall, handsome or slender you are, this does not guarantee that you’ve got what it takes to become a model. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and if you don’t have sufficient confidence in your looks, this might not be your calling.

Trust and a positive can-do attitude are two of the key features that distinguish top professional male models from those who barely make it beyond their local area or those who only manage to land mediocre modeling jobs.

Lack of Commitment

If you’re meant to live in the flashlight and make a living by walking down the catwalk, you need to have strong confidence in yourself and also a strong sense of responsibility. This job requires a lot of discipline and not only because you have to maintain a certain weight and keep fit.

Sometimes you might need to wake up at 3 in the morning to catch a plane and attend a photo session at 6 o’clock. Many evenings out with friends or weekends with your family might have to be canceled or postponed if you want to become a professional male model.

This type of schedule is not for everyone, no matter how glamorous this life seems. Some people are simply better off having a 9 to 5 schedule, or doing other, more practical jobs. Speaking of which, if being a handyman is your strength.

Male Model
Photo © Guillaume Malheiro for MMSCENE

Partnering With the Wrong Agency

If you’re new in this industry, but not new enough to overlook the importance of getting an agent, you should steer clear from the dangers of partnering with the wrong one. There are many scams in this industry and you don’t want to waste your time with dishonest agents who trick you into signing shady deals.

There are a few common patterns you should avoid when looking for an agent who has real intentions of finding good modelling jobs for you.

One of these don’ts is working with someone who approaches you unexpectedly and is very insistent. The chances that such an agent manages a successful company are not very high, especially if they can’t show you a portfolio of their achievements. Of course, if you’re lucky enough to be pursued by a good agent with a good record of success, just go for it!

In the opposite corner, we have agencies that seem too unapproachable and charge enormous commissions before you actually start working for them. These guys might lure you with a professional attitude and a bunch of promises. But if you are at the beginning of your career, spending the money you haven’t even earned yet is a bad move.

Similarly, you should think twice before investing in expensive modeling courses provided by specialized schools. These courses can definitely help you up to a certain point, but the only way to really get good at this is by actually practicing.

This being said, much of the time you’d spend in modeling classes can very well be invested into self-study (and God only knows how many resources you’ve got nowadays online) and into actually looking for modeling jobs.

If you have made up your mind and you want to pursue a modeling career, you have to know from the very start that you’re about to go on a bumpy road. There are no secret recipes that can guarantee you success, but what you definitely need in order to nail a good job in this industry is a mixture of confidence and ambition.

Images from MODEL TALK: Interview with Justin Eric Martin for MMSCENE Magazine all photos by Guillaume Malheiro – See the full story here

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Alexander Sinclair

MMSCENE PORTRAITS: Alexander Sinclair by Tatiana Chornenkaya