
9 Style Tips College Students Must Follow

Style Tips

College takes part in the most people’s lives where they make lifelong connections as well as try to impress everyone on the ‘block.’ Life in college can be very fun and full of lessons all at once. While it might be easy to impress the neighbor next door at home with your skills, you get to discover that more effort is needed in your new environment. Here you collide with new, higher standards and different etiquette that require you to know more than just fancy boutiques and famous brands.

Many courses in college require students to be serious and face their studies squarely. They also require them to show up sharp and presentable to lectures and classes. The competitive spirit tends to extend all the way to taste in clothes. Even for those who didn’t seem to care much about their appearance in high school, the new environment pushes them from their comfort zones.

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Style Tips
Most students notice this right from the time they begin their college application essay writing. A peek at how seniors or other friends dress gives them an idea of what taste in clothes they have to obtain best. However, there are certain tips every student can follow to ensure they get the best out of their college experience even in style. These tips have no specific order and are listed out below.

1. Quit trying too hard

All out in a bid to impress the opposite sex with your looks you sometimes forget about limits. Don’t try too hard to sound a specific way or dress in a particular style that is not yours. It is often easy for others to spot those who are trying too hard to impress, without tangible reasons. Dress modestly, without looking like a pauper.

2. Find your fit

Some English elocution topics can be taken on with the risks and made presentable. But dress styles are not that fluid-like. It’s very essential to find a style that fits you. Some people can pull off the punk style without looking hideous. Do not go for the lavish looks when your pocket cannot handle the pressure.

3. Flashy/dull colors alone is a no-no

Sometimes,flashy colors are like interesting speech topics. Everyone wants to grab one. But unless you really love attention, flashy colors alone are not exactly the way to go for college students. The same applies to wearing dull colors only. As a student, it’s perfect to combine both. You don’t want to look like you have a funeral to attend. At the same time, looking like an alien in flashy colored clothes won’t help.

4. Corporate your look to the event

There’s nothing more pleasing to the eye than a smart look. Do you know that teachers tend to address students based on how they look? With well-structured speech topic ideas and a good looking shirt, you can give your grades a subtle lift.

5. Footwear is a key

Trust us, in college you are going to be constantly running from one building to another. You will have different classes in various locations. The last thing you need is a footwear one or two sizes smaller or 4 inches higher. Also, know when to go for the cute loafers or the downright casual sneakers. Don’t be caught wearing sneakers with a three-piece suit.

Style Tips

6. Get creative

There are a ton of interesting presentation topics that give students the ability to get creative with their use of words. There are clothes that allow the students to do the same. You can find different suggestions on various YouTube videos on how to make creative head wraps or neck scarves. This can be achieved even with seemingly boring outfits. And it’s a win-win for your purse. Do we need to say more?

7. Be yourself

This is probably one of the most important tips. There are a lot of website topics for students directed at helping you find your niche. Many times people are trying to dress like someone else without discovering their true style. Your style of clothes is yours only. Own it like a boss,and develop a badass looks according to it.

8. Hygiene and make-up

Regular haircuts, pedicure or manicure are also part of the styling process. Ladies should endeavor to use powder shades that match their skin tone. Guys are also advised to choose haircut styles that make them look their age – simple yet interesting. Appropriate body sprays or perfumes should also be included. It won’t help if you look like a gentleman yet your body odor is repelling.

9. Be confident

No matter how pristine your style sense might turn out, your lack of confidence can make a bad impact on your whole outlook. Beyond the look of your outfit, it’s essential to hold yourself in high esteem. When you carry yourself with confidence, your peers will appreciate you. And they will do so not only for your style.

Author’s bio

Nicolas Walker is an experienced writer who has worked overtime with students from different colleges. He is determined to help their students in everything during their studies even though they sometimes think they don’t need assistance. He guided them in improving their style and communication skills and has a keen interest in helping them to be the best in appearance and self-esteem.

Images by Marco Conte for MMSCENE


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